便捷、快速搜题 超多功能
拍照搜题 语音搜题
Complete the sentences with words or expressions from the boxes. split up, tactics, at a discount, red-letter days, typical1. I only ever cook this meal on ______________, because it takes a long time to cook. 2. We’ve lost another basketball game! We need to change our ____________. 3. This rain and wind is ____________ of the weather we usually get here. 4. —I love your shoes! —Thanks. I got them ____________. 5. Let’s ____________ into four groups and work separately. (1)l only ever cook this meal on(),because it takes a long time to cook.<p>(2)We've lost another basketball game! We need to change our().</p><p>(3)This rain and wind is () of the weather we usually get here.</p><p>(4)-I love your shoes!</p><p>-Thanks. I got them().</p><p>(5)Let's () into four groups and work separately.</p><p>(6)The sun is () from behind the clouds.</p> 选词填空split up tactics emerging at a discount red-letter days typical1. I only ever cook this meal on ______________, because it takes a long time to cook. 2. We’ve lost another basketball game! We need to change our ____________. 3. This rain and wind is ____________ of the weather we usually get here. 4. —I love your shoes! —Thanks. I got them ____________. 5. Let’s ____________ into four groups and work separately. 6. The sun is ____________ from behind the clouds. 用下列单词词组填空split uptacticsemergingat a discount red-letter days typical1. I only ever cook this meal on ______________, because it takes a long time to cook.2. We’ve lost another basketball game! We need to change our ____________.3. This rain and wind is ____________ of the weather we usually get here.4. —I love your shoes! —Thanks. I got them ____________.5. Let’s ____________ into four groups and work separately.6. The sun is ____________ from behind the clouds. 一个时钟的时针长 5 厘米,这根时针的尖端一昼夜所走的路程是 ( )厘米。 一个小闹钟,分针长5厘米,它的尖端转动1小时所走的路程是多少?列式:答案 一只挂钟的分针长20厘米,经过30分钟后,分针的尖端所走的路程是多少厘米?A.62.8B.125.6C.31.4 一个小闹钟,分针长5厘米,它的尖端转动1小时所走的路程是多少列式:答案 一只挂钟,分针长20厘米.经过45分钟,这根分针的尖端所走的路程是多少厘米?这根分针扫过的面积是多少? 设,则N.错误  Y.正确  
(1)l only ever cook this meal on(),because it takes a long time to cook.<p>(2)We've lost another basketball game! We need to change our().</p><p>(3)This rain and wind is () of the weather we usually get here.</p><p>(4)-I love your shoes!</p><p>-Thanks. I got them().</p><p>(5)Let's () into four groups and work separately.</p><p>(6)The sun is () from behind the clouds.</p> 选词填空split up tactics emerging at a discount red-letter days typical1. I only ever cook this meal on ______________, because it takes a long time to cook. 2. We’ve lost another basketball game! We need to change our ____________. 3. This rain and wind is ____________ of the weather we usually get here. 4. —I love your shoes! —Thanks. I got them ____________. 5. Let’s ____________ into four groups and work separately. 6. The sun is ____________ from behind the clouds. 用下列单词词组填空split uptacticsemergingat a discount red-letter days typical1. I only ever cook this meal on ______________, because it takes a long time to cook.2. We’ve lost another basketball game! We need to change our ____________.3. This rain and wind is ____________ of the weather we usually get here.4. —I love your shoes! —Thanks. I got them ____________.5. Let’s ____________ into four groups and work separately.6. The sun is ____________ from behind the clouds. 一个时钟的时针长 5 厘米,这根时针的尖端一昼夜所走的路程是 ( )厘米。 一个小闹钟,分针长5厘米,它的尖端转动1小时所走的路程是多少?列式:答案 一只挂钟的分针长20厘米,经过30分钟后,分针的尖端所走的路程是多少厘米?A.62.8B.125.6C.31.4 一个小闹钟,分针长5厘米,它的尖端转动1小时所走的路程是多少列式:答案 设,则N.错误  Y.正确   容易的正确读音是( )。 能见度小于100m时,应从最近的出口尽快驶离高速公路或就近驶入服务区。
做好抗旱工作首先要“目中有人”,这个“人”,就是人民群众,特别是广大的农民兄弟。 对于排查发现的事故隐患,水利生产经营单位应及时向有关责任单位、部门下发整改通知,提出整改要求等。 地方各级水行政主管部门、流域管理机构应对所管辖范围内水利生产经营单位应急演练情况进行抽查,督促生产经营单位定期开展演练并完善应急预案。 应急救援队伍建立单位或者兼职应急救援人员所在单位应当按照国家有关规定对应急救援人员进行培训,确保其具备必要的专业知识、技能、身体素质和心理素质。 水利安全生产标准化创建中的制定实施方案环节。方案应明确安全生产标准化建设目标,组织机构、分解落实安全生产标准化建设职责及责任人、工作内容、时间进度计划等。 水利工程运行实施分级管控,具体可以分为____、____、____、____四个等级。 危险源的风险等级由高到低依次分为____、____、____、____四个等级,分别采用红、橙、黄、蓝四种颜色标示。 生产经营单位应当在编制应急预案的基础上,针对工作场所、岗位的特点,编制____、____、____的应急处置卡。 当相关法律法规、技术标准发布(修订)后,对首次采用尚无相关技术标准的____、____、____、____的部位或单项工程,水利生产经营单位应及时组织重新辨识。 生产经营单位应结合实际合理确定排查周期,开展常态化排查,对____、____进行重点排查,全面彻底排查隐患,不留死角和盲区。
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